Sunday, September 12, 2010

30 Days of me - Day 4

Ok the habit day, well I thought this was going to be easy.... and it is..

So a habit that you wish you didn't have.

Simple for me, biting/tearing my nails!! I know, yach it's horrible I hate it, they look awful!! I used to have false nails which did help me not feel so self conscious but not practical just now with a little one. Not to mention the hours of your life having back fills and all that jazz. I have done this since I was really small, when I was pregnant they did grow really strong and I didn't bite or tear them, anyway they were superhuman nails and would have needed several sledge hammers to break them!

So that is it, will buy some stop n grow, that certainly puts you off. I know it's vain thing and your probably rolling your eyes at this but hey, it's a habit that I don't like!!

I have loads of other habits, like saying 'anyway' lots, doing funny walks when I am on my own, talking to myself, being clumsy, spending too much time on the interweb, but I like all of those!!

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