How you found out about Blogger and why you made one?
I saw all this "30 days of me" on twitter and thought, no way hose I am not a writer! I am not that interesting or worthy of a blog! I tweeted with some pretty nice people and they encouraged me to give it a go, (thanks @pebblesy @tarasutherland @josiecampbell and all the other lovely folks out there!!). Honestly, they did tweet me several times and said come on, you don't know until you've tried it and several people were saying we've not done one so give it a go! It was the 'Dunkirk spirit' of blogging basically! I felt compelled to join in and have a go!
Anyway, I know with my job I should be doing more but don't have much confidence in my written work (spelling and grammar are not my good points!!). So here it is.
So thanks twitter, it's all your fault!!
I decided to use Blogger as I have used Posterous for work and wanted to try something new. I looked at Wordpress and got really scared! So opted for something in between and so far, so good...mustn't grumble. I have found it easy to use and understand some of the geekiness too. Did struggle with my user name and password.. but it's all in the learning.
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